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Environmental Protection Is Also Stylish Low-carbon Community Line

- Feb 27, 2018 -

In 2013, Beijing Meilian Environmental Protection Community continued its activities. On July 20 and 21, volunteers from Fuzhuo Garden and Sikho Shangri-La's two branches took advantage of the two days of Saturday and Sunday in their own communities "Environmental protection is also fashion, low-carbon community line" activities.

In 2013, Beijing Meilian Environmental Protection into the community activities continue, July 20, 21, Fu Zhuo Garden (Community Network Forum), the four branches of the courtyard on the two volunteers use Saturday and Sunday two days in their own Of the community held a "green fashion, low-carbon community line" activities. AP weekend volunteers came early to the cell door, set up the AP umbrella, put our bags on the propaganda stage, the event attracted a lot of residents come shopping, we have come to receive environmental protection Bags and fill out the questionnaire, our volunteers are also very positive help to return the residents of shopping their items in our bags, this move has been praised by many residents owners, and our volunteers Exchange environmental experience, hope AP can continue to carry forward the cause of environmental protection.